We urge you to make a commitment not to miss this magnificent event.
Gaspard Lafalaise Jr & Thomonde.com® are so happy to announce The KOREKTHO 2nd Annual Fund-Raising Gala Dinner.
It is said that "Your attitude determines your altitude" – that’s how high you will climb.
I have been a member of KOREKTHO since its conception when I attended the first Thomonde meetings with my dad and my brothers. I became more active after I arrived in Boston several years ago. But, since the last two years, we have witnessed a re-energized team: KOREKTHO is re-inventing itself. En bon Français: “KOREKTHO ap take-off”!
Two years ago, Mr. Roland Cadichon became president of KOREKTHO. With him came new officers and additional members who rejuvenate the team. I have known Mr. Cadichon personally for his integrity, his honesty and humility. But, he is also well known as a native of Thomonde, a long time officer of KOREKTHO but most of all for his genuine love of his native land. He travels several times a year to Thomonde which gives him insider’s knowledge to the daily lives of the people of Thomonde. That’s not all! Last year, in addition to the regular semi-annual fund-raising parties, KOREKTHO organized its First Annual Fund-Raising Gala Dinner. It was a successful fundraiser and, an elegant social evening. The many participants had the opportunity to learn from the honorable guest speakers but also to socialize and take photos with them and their friends in a fun, familial and enjoyable atmosphere.
I think KOREKTHO got excited about building on that success!
After we took acknowledgment of their upcoming projects, we know that KOREKTHO is shooting for the stars. The dynamism of the new team is undeniably a strong sign that they are determined to succeed. But your commitment is invaluable. As you may anticipate, we already make a solid commitment to support KOREKTHO’s ongoing and upcoming projects. We urge you to do the same!
will take place very soon on
Saturday, July 11 from 7:30PM to 1:00AM
(Visit http://www.Thomonde.com/ for additional information, maps and directions)
If you have not received your formal invitation yet, just contact us and be sure to also request that you are added to the mailing list.
I urge you to make a commitment. Please call.
Tide Lafalaise
And Thomonde.com® at http://www.thomonde.com/
Here is an easy way you can sponsor this magnificent event! We thank you in advance if you are willing to pass this message to family, friends and co-workers who may be interested to support KOREKTHO and a good cause.
- The persons who appeared on these photos are known supporters of KOREKTHO or participants in KOREKTHO fundraising events. They may not share my personal views and opinions. I take sole responsibility for my claims, opinions, endorsements and comments.
- KOREKTHO, INC. IS A 501(c) (3) NON PROFIT US ORGANIZATION, registered in the State of Massachusetts with the Internal Revenue Service. Your donation is tax-deductible. More information is available at http://www.thomonde.com/.
- KOREKTHO, INC. IS A 501(c) (3) NON PROFIT US ORGANIZATION, registered in the State of Massachusetts with the Internal Revenue Service. Your donation is tax-deductible. More information is available at http://www.thomonde.com/.
- Photos are courtesy of Thomonde.com®, Copyrights © 1999-2009, All rights reserved. Distribution only in association with this message.