"Claiming Haiti for Jesus Christ" from http://www.newdirections.org/news.php?page=2&id=434 (Original Link)
Presidential Candidate Seeks to Claim Haiti for Christ
Janet Chismar
Senior Editor for Faith
On Aug. 14, 1791, a black slave and witch doctor named Boukman led Haitian slaves in a voodoo ritual, drinking the blood of a sacrificed pig to form a pact with the devil. The slaves agreed to serve Satan for 200 years in exchange for freedom from French colonizers who ruled their island. Beginning on Aug. 22, 1791, the slaves rose up against the French, and by Jan. 1, 1804, they declared Haiti the world's first independent black republic.
On the tiny Caribbean nation, voodoo still pulses as an undercurrent of culture. By some counts, 75 percent of Haitians actively practice the ancient melding of West African spiritism and witchcraft. Folk tradition says Haitians are 70 percent Catholic, 30 percent Protestant and 100 percent voodoo.
Even former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide fell under voodoo's spell as he sought – unsuccessfully— to re-ratify the ancient Boukman Blood Pact with the devil on August 14, 2003. Before his ouster in 2004, Aristide passed a law officially recognizing voodoo as an official religion and culture.
As Haiti prepares for its first presidential elections since Aristide was forced into exile in February last year, a number of evangelical Christians are working to reclaim Haiti for Christ. Overcoming 200 years of political corruption, poverty and voodoo is an ambitious agenda, but for Pastor Chavannes Jeune, his faith demands no less.
Jeune, an influential Christian leader and evangelist, formally announced his candidacy for president of Haiti in his hometown of Les Cayes on Aug.10. The president of the Baptist Church of South Haiti (MEBSH), Jeune also was the visionary and catalyst for HAVIDEC, or Haiti for the Third Century. Its purpose is simply to: "Take Haiti back from the devil, and dedicate her to Jesus Christ."
If things are ever to change in Haiti, Jeuene concludes, "we need to attack the root problem, which is the devil, so we want to do everything that we can in our power and with God's grace to claim this country for God."
For more information on how you can help, see www.Partnersworldwide.org/Haiti or contact Ted Boers at 616.988.0827.
To read more about this, you can visit http://www.newdirections.org/news.php?page=2&id=434
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